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민요 연구 참고서(외국편)
구분 표준화 정보 원문정보
기사제목 민요 연구 참고서(외국편) 民謠硏究參考書 (外國篇)
종    류 기사 記事
필    자 C, R. C, R.
출처정보 조선어문학회보 朝鮮語文學會報
연    도 1931-07 昭和六年七月
면    수 5 5
T. F. Henderson: The Ballad in literature (1912)
Sir walter Scott's minsrelsy of the Scottish Border. 4 vols (1902)
W. D. Armes: Old English ballads (1903)
The Beginning of poetry (1901)
F. I. Child: English and Scottish ballads(1882-98) 5 vols popular edit. with intro. by proffessor Kittredge, in one vol, 1904.
Srend Grundtrig: Danmark's Gamle Folkeviser (1853-90) 5 vols. (Continued by Dr. Axel Olrik, as Danske Rid-derviser, 1895, etc.)
Percy Folio Ms.,: Hales and Furnival (1867-8)
F. Sidgwick : Papulat ballads of the Olden Time (1903)
W. P. ker: Epic and Romance (1897)
(articles on the "Danish Ballads" in the Scottish Historical Revien for July 1904 and July 1908)
W. I. Courthope: History of English poetry(1895) vol. 1.
Florence Hudson Botsford: Folk songs of many peoples (1921)
G. G. Smith: The transition period. (1900)
C. F. Eliat: Trustworthiness of the Border ballads. (1906)
Further Essays on Border ballads (1910)
A. Lang; Sir walter Scott and Border mi-nistrelsy. (1910)
R. B. Johnson: A book of British ballads.
J. H. uhland: Alte Hoch uud Nieder Dentoche Volkslieder, (1844-5)
G. Hensler: Lied und Epos (1905)
C. Bűcher: Arbeit und Rhythmus (1909)
C. Nigra: Canti popolari del piemonte. (1888)
Alfred Jeanroy: Les origines de la pὸesie lyrique en France an moyen Age. (1889)
Coston paris: La Poèsie du moyen Age. 2 vols (1885-1895)
L. Pineau: Le Vieux chants populaires Sca-ndinaVes (1898)
Gèrard du Nerval: Chansons et Ballads populaire du valois. (1885)
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