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His Spiritual Massage to the World(Part 1)
음반 : ColumbiaJ22019
트랙번호 : A
확장번호 : WA12082
분류명 : 각국음악
곡명 : His Spiritual Massage to the World(Part 1)
작사 : -
작곡 : -
편곡 : -
반주 : -
녹음일 : 0000-00-00
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There is an indefinable mysterious power that pervades everything, I feel it though I do not see it. It is this unseen power which makes itself felt and yet defies all proof, because it is so unlike all that I perceive through my senses. It transcends the senses. But it is possible to reason out the existence of God to a limited extent. Even in ordinary affairs we know that people do not know who rules or why and how He rules and yet they know that there is a power that certainly rules. In my tour last year in Mysore I met many poor villagers and I found upon inquiry that they did not know who ruled Mysore. They simply said some God ruled it. If the knowledge of these poor people was so limited about their ruler I who am infinitely lesser in respect to God than they to their ruler need not be surprised if I do not realize the presence of God - the King of Kings. Nevertheless, I do feel, as the poor villagers felt about Mysore, that there is orderliness in the universe, there is an unalterable law governing everything and every being that exists or lives. It is not a blind law, for no blind law can govern the conduct of living being and thanks to the marvelous researches of Sir J. C. Bose it can now be proved that even matter is life. That law then which governs all life is God. Law and the law-giver are one. I may not deny the law or the law-giver because I know so little about it or Him. Just as my denial or ignorance of the existence of an earthly power will avail me nothing even so my denial of God and His law will not liberate me from its operation, whereas humble and mute acceptance of divine authority makes life's journey easier even as the acceptance of earthly rule makes life under it easier. I do dimly perceive that whilst everything around me is ever changing, ever dying there is underlying all that change a living power that is changeless, that holds all together, that creates, dissolves and recreates. 
음반번호 ColumbiaJ22019 편곡 -
확장번호 (WA12082) 반주 -
분류명 EDUCATIONAL 소장번호 KAB6024
곡명 "His Spiritual Massage to the World" Part 1 소장자 배연형
작사 - 음원
작곡 -
음반번호 - 녹음일 -
트랙번호 - 소장자 -
확장번호 - 소장번호 -
원반 기록사항(곡명) - 음원
원반 기록사항(연주자) -
소장자 -
소장번호 -
음원 -
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